Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 4

We scooted down the remainder of I-8 to San Ysidro and mailed off our paperwork.

By the way - anyone else doing this should take note that the lobby of the post office in San Ysidro is subject to crowding on the first of the month. Not sure if people were waiting to get their checks or sending checks.

It really is too bad the marine layer doesn't extend more than 40 miles east! Started to get hot right at the Cleveland National Forest sign and stayed that way throughout the day to the Tucson, AZ area.

Not a very interesting road. Larry saw a road runner....walking swiftly! He also saw some birds that looked like they were playing chicken with the cars and lost...feathers all over the place.

Temps hovered between 104 and 108. We stopped more frequently to refresh ourselves and re-wet our evaporative vests. While the vests are wet it is like air conditioning. We just need to figure our a drip system to keep them wet!

For the first time we both got a little sun burn THROUGH the mesh jackets.

We stayed at the Super 8 in is being upgraded. It is NICE....except for the little towels, the uncomfortable bed and the roach on the bathroom floor.

We are headed to Alamogordo's only going to be around 100 so it will be nicer riding.


  1. See you guys got a early start to the day. Like hot riding or cold riding best?
    Take care, jo

  2. Moderate temperature riding! I really think it is easier to ride longer in cold weather! Sort of reminded me of the Torches Across America start in 2006...and 2007!
